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Small Business Health Plans are a group health plans tailored to your business requirements. Here are tips to help you find a quality group health insurance plan at a reasonable rate:

- You only need 2 participants to get a group health insurance plan;
- Consider a high-deductible plan: your employees still will be protected from the catastrophic consequences of having no coverage at all;
- Make sure you're not paying for “extras” that you and your employees don't need;
- Take advantage of available tax incentives. You may be able to deduct the premiums paid on your group health plan, and offering coverage as part of a total compensation package may reduce your payroll tax.

Small Business Health Plans according to America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) research:

- In 2006, the average premium for small group health insurance was $311 per month for single coverage and $814 per month for family coverage.
- Companies with less than 10 employess pay average $330 per month per single employee, while companies with 26 - 50 employees paid an average of $287 per month.
- Higher-premium states included Connecticut, Massachusetts, Louisiana, New Hampshire, and Colorado.
- Lower-premium states included Missouri, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and California.
- An average PPO plan purchased by small employers included an individual deductible of $849, 18 percent
coinsurance, a copayment of $21 for physician visits (in network), and an annual out-of-pocket limit of $2,700.

Every business owner renewing an existing policy or starting a new policy needs to shop for the best group health insurance rates. Find the best plan using the form below.

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