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General Liability Insurance can prevent a legal suit from turning into a financial disaster by providing financial protection in case your business is sued or held legally responsible for some injury or damage. General Liability pays losses arising from real or alleged bodily injury, property damage, or personal injury on your business premises or arising from your operations.

Even if your business is completely cleared of wrongdoing, a lawsuit can be extremely costly and time consuming. Business liability insurance covers the cost of your defense and protects your assets, making sure that your business can continue running.

According to, almost 79% of all U.S. businesses are structured as a partnership or sole proprietorship. This form of ownership puts not only your business but also your personal liabilities at risk. If your business is a limited liability company (LLC) or an incorporated company, you are not protected from personal liability in case you are personally involved.

Every business owner renewing an existing policy or starting a new policy needs to shop for the best business liability insurance rates and coverage.

For professional liability, commercial auto, worker's compensation or group health insurance you'll need separate insurance policies.

5 minutes spent with may result in savings of thousands of dollars annually for an average small business owner.