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As an employer, you have a legal responsibility to your employees to make the workplace safe. However, accidents happen even when every reasonable safety measure has been taken. In some states small businesses with fewer than three to five employees may not be required to carry workers compensation insurance. However, not having workers compensation in this day and age may be setting you up for a large legal bill and a financial liability.

Workers compensation premiums are calculated based on each $100 of payroll. For example, a low-risk occupation like an office worker might cost 60 cents per $100 of payroll. Higher risk jobs such as contractors may cost about $10 per $100 and even higher-risk occupations such as roofers could cost as much as $35 per $100.

Workers compensation insurance must be bought as a separate policy. Although in-home business and businessowners policies (BOPs) are sold as package policies, they don't include coverage for workers' injuries. Compare quotes and benefits from multiple insurance companies. Using our site, you will be able to match your coverage needs with top insurance companies, get quotes and select the workers compensation policy that’s right for you.

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